Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Post Surgery and Patiently Waiting

Dear Pastors, Churches, Family and Friends,
Thank you so much for your prayers and gifts over the past couple of months. It has truly been an experience in humility and faith. I will try to give a quick summary and not bore you with all my medical perils.
On Feb 15th, one day after our 37th wedding anniversary I was taken by ambulance to the Flagstaff Medical Center.  I had been bleeding internally and had lost about 2/3 of my blood supply over the course of the last few months. This caused my heart to almost shut down and sent me into seizures. At the hospital I was given 6 units of blood and told several times no one can live with that much blood missing. I was tested for bleeding in my esophagus and in my colon with the best bet being a slow leak in my esophagus, so slow I simple thought I was anemic.  The doctors also did echo cardiograms and when they saw my aortic heart valve they gave more tests. The final result being I was scheduled for open heart surgery to replace my “acute stenotic aortic heart valve.” 

My Personal PreOp Prep
Just two weeks later I had to return to the Emergency Room with more severe blood loss. In total I was given over 18 units of rare O negative blood. We all want to be unique until it turns out getting things like blood is a major concern. At this point the doctors believed it was too dangerous to delay the aortic valve replacement, believing that the overworking valve was causing my blood to not clot and that was leading to the severe internal bleeding. The surgery went well and replaced the congenital defect in my aortic heart valve.  The cardiologists here at Flagstaff Medical Center were the first to put both the bleeding and the defective heart valve together. Though the condition is very rare 96% of the people who suffer from it are healed once the defective valve is replaced. After spending a total of 17 days in the hospital surrounded by my family, friends and your prayers I was released to come home and recuperate. I won’t go into the details of open heart surgery recovery you already know it is painful and slow. I can say that I continue improved a little everyday and am hopeful of returning fully to the Lord’s work in a few more weeks. I have no idea what the total cost for all this is. I would be surprised if it is less than 1 million dollars but God has supplied our needs even though both LeeOra and I are no longer employed in secular jobs. We hope that Arizona healthcare and the ACA insurance I purchased just as the hospital ER visits began will cover much of what we owe but we are still in the process of qualifying. Our future is securely in the hands of Lord and Savior and I have no fear that He has worked through all before my first ER visit.
Again thank you for all that each of you has done. Every prayer was like a dose of medicine to my soul. Those who responded on Facebook and with cards, notes or calls were windows of hope opened in the gloom of despair. I cherish each and every one of them. Also, a special thanks to my good friend, Pastor Rudy Rios for flying out to spend a few days with me and my family during the hospital stay. He was a true comfort and source of strength. My home church Santa Fe Baptist got emergency funds to us as soon as they heard what was happening. Their care of me has been overwhelming and always what I have needed. Many other churches sent offerings even before I could ask. I am humbled by your watch care of us. It is beyond my ability to comprehend how God has worked through each of you.
Pastor Don Randall, Lighthouse Baptist
After 4 weeks recovery I was given permission to resume traveling on Sunday nights to teach at Lighthouse Baptist in Camp Verde. Though I did have to lean on the pulpit a couple of times I was able to finish Revelation 11. The good folks of Lighthouse have been a real blessing to LeeOra and I during this physical trial. My sincere thanks to Pastor and Sister Don and Barbara Randall for all they and the church have done.
I now patiently wait for physical recovery that I might continue to serve the One who has walked with me in this “valley of shadow of death.” He never left me and I never felt alone or afraid for His promises and His presence went before and behind me, shielding me from the worst this world can use to hurt us. When death is no longer a terror then all that is left is holding His hand and waiting for the light of His love and assurance. 

In His Service,
Kris and LeeOra Minefee

1 comment:

Sherri Attaway said...

Thanking God for bringing you through and will continue to be praying for you, LeeOra, and the future God has for you.