Monday, September 19, 2011

"Still Settling In" September Mission Report

Dear Pastors, Churches, Family and Friends,

Another month of “settling in” has gone by in Flagstaff. I truly thought that by now LeeOra and I would both have jobs and be moving on to the next steps of church planting but that has not happened. The struggling economy has slowed that part of our beginning the work here. The jobs that are available are limited by our unwillingness to work on Sunday and by the employers restrictions and requirements. It is very much a “sellers” market when it comes to jobs and that means employers can be extremely choosing about who they will hire. The Lord has more than met our personal needs and we are not going hungry by any means but would like to shift more of His resources to outreach and less on subsistence. We have some good prospects that may open up more this fall as students go back to work so please keep praying.

Kris, LeeOra and Ron in our home study.
The Lord has blessed us with our first Bible Study and Sunday morning worship visitor (yes that is singular) in our. Ron has been very excited about our study in the book of Romans. We are hopeful that the study will aid him in his walk with the Lord and prepare him for a new chapter in his life as a closer walking child of God. It is a small step forward but one that really encourages us. We constantly pray that God will open the doors in Flagstaff to those who need the gospel and instruction from God's Word.

Our thanks go out again to Harbor Lights Baptist and Pastor and Sister Horning who once again sent us an unexpected love offering. As always the Lord knew our needs and passed that on to his churches which could then meet that need. We were able to purchase more propane for the coming winter as well as make some needed repairs on the home we are renting. In addition we updated our 2007 desktop computer in preparation for doing more printing and website work. The maintenance should keep our system up and running for a few more years. 
We had the honor of being invited to preach at the Antioch Baptist Church in Pueblo, Co. in September. Pastor Ken Black, his wife Velda and the church were great hosts and we were treated as honored servants of the Lord. The fellowship was refreshing and the opportunity to preach was greatly appreciated by this missionary who doesn't get to preach every week anymore. The messages, “Preaching to the Pagans Acts 17” and “Christ's Blueprint for Prayer Luke 11” were well received by those in attendance and we pray the Holy Spirit will use the truths of God's Word to bless and strengthen.

It was great to see Pastor Chuck Bigler and Sister Jan from Heritage Baptist Church as they stopped over in Flagstaff on a trip back from a California missions conference. Though our time was limited to sharing a meal the Lord really blesses us by those he puts in our life. Heritage Baptist was one of our first supporting churches and the Biglers have been friends now for many years. Lord, thank you for the gift of Christian friendships.

We will begin our outreach in earnest this fall. We have already begun printing new material for distribution to those we meet. We are also updating our website and researching the avenues of outreach that are available to us now. We will soon be streaming and recording Bible Studies once a week via Ustream. Thanks to Pastor Rudy Rios and Temple Baptist Church for this idea as they are already streaming their services. We will also begin printing e-books for Bible Study through Barnes and Nobles free I-pub service. Next is “market” evangelism at some of the many community events around Flagstaff this fall. 
May God Bless
Kris and LeeOra Minefee

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