Kris and LeeOra Minefee
Your Missionaries to Northern Arizona
Dear Pastors, Churches and Friends,
Most of the month of July saw us in back in Flagstaff , Az. to wrap up our home and put all our belongings in storage. With just the two of us working it took quite a bit of time, though we really appreciated the cool Flagstaff temperatures while we packed, loaded, unloaded and stacked. We also appreciate the generous gift from someone that our ministry in Channelview touched many years ago. This person rented our storage unit for us.
The end of July saw us back in Texas at Irving Baptist Church with Pastor James Welch. It was good to be able to share our burden for Flagstaff with this fine pastor and his members. We enjoyed the services and the wonderful people who are faithfully serving the Lord in this corner of the Metroplex.
The following Wednesday we were preaching at First Baptist in Clute , Texas where Lyndon Pettijohn is the pastor. I filled in for Bro. Pettijohn while he and his wife Ann were back in Colorado for a visit. I really appreciated the opportunity to do some pulpit supply and will return to Clute soon to present the work as well.

We wrapped up the month at Rodgers Missions Conference in Garland , Texas where Ron Thomas has been carrying on this wonderful and much needed conference for over 20 years.
Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts as we strive to bring the Gospel to Northern Arizona .
In His Love and service
Kris and LeeOra Minefee
July 2009 Support
Sponsoring Church Pastor Monthly Support
Supporting Church
Bay City, Texas Lee Watson $ 50
Love Offerings from individuals $ 528 Total $1,271
We appreciate all those that support us financially and prayerfully.
After 14 months of deputation we are at 25% of our goal. We are in need of $4000 a month in support. This amount will help us to rent a building, help with personal expenses and purchase supplies needed for our ministry in Flagstaff Arizona .
1 comment:
It was great seeing you both at the conference. You're in our prayers.
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