Friday, May 23, 2008

Deputation News 05252008

We are now in our fourth month of deputation. It has been a great experience for us. We have been able to renew friendships and share God's word with several churches. We have made many new friends in those churches and thank the Lord for the wonderful opportunity of stepping through the open door of church planting in Flagstaff, Az.

This past Sunday we were with Rodgers Baptist Church in Garland, Texas. Pastor Ron Thomas was gracious in allowing me to preach both services. The Lord blessed the messages and several responded for prayer and made decisions for the Lord and His church. It was exciting to be in a church with the history of missions and growth that Rodgers has had for so many years. Judging by my experience the Lord has many more exciting years of service in store for the members of Rodgers Baptist.

The following Wednesday I preached at Pine Forest Baptist Church in Humble Texas where Dwain Pollard is the pastor. I had a great time sharing the work with this very friendly, open and forward looking church. Bro. Pollard took me out to see their new property. This will be the second Church that Bro. Pollard has started since I've been in the Houston area. You have to admire the willingness to follow the Lord not once but twice through the difficult but exciting adventure of building a church in a new location.

The Lord really has been good to us the last few months with all the changes so far and many other yet to take place the anxiety level rises, but time and again the Lord has blessed by sending the right people at the right time to ease us along.

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