“The hardest thing for a missionary is patience,” Don Randall, Independent Baptist church planter.
This past Easter Sunday LeeOra and I attended Bro. Randall’s new church, Lighthouse Baptist in Camp Verde, Arizona about one and a half hours from Flagstaff. The church was organized last summer and is running in the twenties and thirties on the occasions we’ve been there. As usually when missionaries and pastors meet, we compared notes and after telling Bro. Randall how slow things were going in Flagstaff, the above quote was his response. He was simply making a comment as a veteran missionary who has his experience can do. To me though it was an observation that stopped me short. Am I being impatient in my desire to see things get started in Flagstaff? I asked myself. Within the next week or two things began to change for us in Flagstaff and I realized that probably I was not being as patient as I need to be.
Our biggest prayer request has been for our finances and jobs to be able to supply our personal needs. That prayer began to be answered when the bakery I deliver bread for gave me a raise and asked me to work more days. This will effectively double my paycheck from what I was making though it will still be part time. The new hours may only last through Flagstaff’s summer tourist season but the raise will stay in place and the hours will probably not go back to only three days a week. LeeOra is working more at a local church nursery and has gotten the opportunity to do some house cleaning after remodeling for a local contractor.
It is hard work and not regular but a great blessing when it is available. In addition to the improvement in our finances we also have had opportunity to expand our interaction with people through other opportunities this also is an answered prayer request. I have begun the process of volunteering as a chaplain at the local hospital. I have to have some training and there is a screening process but I don’t see either of these being a problem. I am hoping that being able to minister at the hospital a few hours a week will lead to open doors for Bible study and the chance to share the love of Christ to those who are hurting. In addition, I will also be looking to work at the local homeless shelter as a counselor or volunteering to preach at their Sunday Services. Both of these open doors came about through the bakery I deliver for since I take bread to both of these locations.
I would also ask you to pray for a couple of the warehouse managers I have met on the route. I have been able to give both copies of the Bible on audio since both enjoy audio books and I also listen to them while I make the long drives between Flagstaff and Sedona. One man in particular has been very inquisitive about the Bible, God and truth. Pray for him and wisdom for me as I try to find a way lead him to the truth about Jesus Christ and salvation. Also your prayers would be appreciated for a young woman I have been corresponding with via the internet. She has some real problems and knows it. She really needs to let God take full control of her life, heart and especially soul. There are a lot of obstacles in her way and it will take a great God to heal and bring hope, but we serve that God and He has never failed. Pray she will come to know Him as we do.
Over the past month or so I have truly enjoyed teaching through the Book of Revelation with Temple Baptist Church in Texas City, Tx. where good friend Rudy Rios is the pastor. The study is done from my study via the internet and Google Hangouts, this allows for questions from the congregation after the lesson and gives me the joy of being able to teach God’s word on a regular basis. Something I’ve missed terribly. The lessons are recorded on Youtube and then posted on the church Facebook pages and First Vision blog page. The hangout studies can be accessed live with an invitation or later by going to my youtube page or blog.
On a personal note we welcomed our fourth grandchild and second granddaughter into our family. We now have seen God bless our family with Calvin, Aria, Liam and most recently Ella, all within 2 years. What a tremendous blessing and joy God has given to us. Now we pray with an even great heart for the future than ever before.
Though I wish we were reporting on our new building or baptisms, I am encouraged and have more hope about the work in Flagstaff than in previous months. Some things I had overlooked and others have just opened up but in either case we intend to have more patience and greater faith in the providence of God. Thank you all for having patience with us. May God bless you for your faith and support.
Working in His Name,
Kris and LeeOra Minefee
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