Monday, December 10, 2012

A Year of Blessings

Dear Pastors, Churches, Family and Friends,
               The Lord continues to bless us through our family and His churches and we are humbled and very grateful. We are now the grandparents of another grandchild this time a granddaughter born to our daughter Stefann and her husband Andrew Pflueger. Little Aria is at home in Tennessee and we are looking forward to seeing her in person this Christmas. We also have two more little ones on the way from our son Jason and wife Amy, expecting at the end of December (hopefully when we are in Tennessee) and our daughter Susan and husband Jason Risinger who are expecting their second. After what seemed an eternity with no grandchildren we are now praying for 4 within just a couple of years. The Lord has truly blessed us and though we knew we would love being grandparents the reality of that event is greater than we could have believed. Please pray for all these little ones being born into a very different, changing world. With God’s grace and their parents love I have no reason to see anything but blessings.

               We also are blessed and humbled by our supporting churches, families and friends. Several of you have sent extra offerings for Christmas and we can’t thank you enough. I know it is growing increasingly difficult for churches to continue so faithfully in their offerings during these very difficult times and yet many of you have gone beyond that to bless us with a Christmas offering. God bless you and know that we pray for you every time we bow our heads. Our appreciation of each of you grows with each offering. Thank you all so much.
               The work continues in Flagstaff though at a much slower rate than we are happy with. We are praying the Lord will open the doors wider and give us the wisdom to see it. We continue with our Bible Studies on Saturday night with a single mother though work schedules and the holidays have slowed them down to when we can get together. In the new year we should be able to get back to a weekly schedule. We have also started a correspondence Bible Study via email and the internet with a young man in Tucson, Az. I don’t think it will result in growth for our church but I’m excited to be teaching and know that God’s word will be a blessing to him and his family.
               We have been working on the manufactured home we rent, getting it ready for winter and the spring snows. Last year we were plagued with a leaking roof but I think that has been fixed. Last winter’s busted water pipe are now repaired and we have water in the second bathroom. We have also done quite a bit of interior work to fix and replace broken molding, paneling and some holes. All in all it is a much more comfortable and welcoming home. We are using our home for the Bible studies and hope to use it even more as we expand the work so the improvements are needed for us and for those we would invite into our home.
               My new job delivering bread three times a week for the small bakery here in town has also been a blessing. It has allowed us to meet more of our own expenses and so far no calls have gone out from us for emergency funds to fill our propane tank. So far this fall we have already had snow and temps all the way down to 2 degrees. Winter is cold here but Spring is the real test with all the mountain snow.
               LeeOra’s home care business has also picked up a new client, a home building/J remodeling company. This means heavy industrial type cleaning and then meticulous detailing for floors, cabinets, etc. but the pay is good though at this stage infrequent. Please pray that this side business might take off and allow both of us to work for ourselves and have more time then to work for the Lord.

                                                                                                                                                                     Yours in Service
                                                                                                                                                                     Kris and LeeOra Minefee

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