Homosexuality is not just another sin because it propagates itself by taking our sons and daughters.
Simply put homosexuals cannot have homosexual children. Contrary to the myths that have been embedded in popular culture by liberal cultural warriors, homosexuals are not born they are made. They are made in much the same way that young girls are turned into prostitutes. Sexual predators look for young people who come from troubled homes with bad relationships with one or both parents. Once they are chosen the grooming begins. The sexual mentor begins with subtle but obvious overtures of both friendship and sexuality. In the case of young men, it often begins with heterosexual pornography but then progresses to homosexual pornography. Sooner or later the troubled youth becomes an even more trouble homosexual.
This is all done in the name of “helping them to find out who they truly are” but in reality it is a progressive plan to change them from an innocent but emotionally needy young person to a sexual conquest. Many if not most homosexual men were molested as boys and teens. Ironically, instead of turning from the behavior that hurt them they often embrace it and become homosexuals themselves. This is not out of a genetic difference they were born with but because of a sense of worthlessness due to the after effects of being molested. They are left with a sense of shame and guilt that drives them to the only one they think will accept them.
The more accepted the homosexual lifestyle is the more our children will be turned into homosexuals by sexual predators. In the past as a child I was warned by my parents to avoid certain men, even if they were relatives. Though I was too young to understand why, I was told in a tone that didn't allow for too many questions, “Don't go any where by yourself with Uncle ___________.” The reason given was simply, “He's not quite right. He might hurt you.” The more we think overlook the perversion of homosexuality the more our children will be hurt.
References are from the Web article “Sexual Abuse: A Major Cause Of Homosexuality?” http://home60515.com/3.html
The following books refer to the fact that many many homosexuals were sexually abused when young:
Teen Prostitution by Joan J. Johnson (NY & Chicago: Franklin Watts Publishers, 1992), p. 53.
Female Perversions by Dr. Louise J. Kaplan (NY: Doubleday, 1991), p. 437.
Invisible Lives by Martha Barron Barrett (NY: William Morrow & Co., 1989), p. 140.
Incest and Sexuality by therapists Wendy Maltz and Beverly Holman (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1987), p. 72.
The Secret Trauma by Prof. Diane E.H. Russell (NY: Basic Books, Inc., 1986), p. 199.
The Broken Taboo: Sex in the Family by B. and R. Justice (quoted in the book Incest: a family pattern by Jean Renvoize [London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982], p. 127).
The following books refer to the fact that many young victims of sexual abuse later experience confusion over their sexual identities:
The Consumer's Guide to Psychotherapy by Drs. Jack Engler and Daniel Goleman (NY: Simon & Schuster/Fireside, 1992), p. 414.
Desires in Conflict by Joe Dallas (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1991), p. 187.
Betrayal of Innocence by Dr. Susan Forward and Craig Buck (NY: Penguin Books, 1988), p. 96.
See also the magazine article "Does Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, or Neglect in Childhood Increase the Likelihood of Same-sex Sexual Relationships and Cohabitation? A Prospective 30-year Follow-up" by Helen Wilson and Cathy Widom in Archives of Sexual Behavior (January 7, 2009).
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