There are still great people in this country of ours, many of them, but I believe they are slowly being strangled to death by ungreat people. People who will use any means at there disposal to bring down those around them to the level of impotence that they call equality.
The reason I write is because I just read an article in the Houston Chronicle ( ) which reported that one of the most ungreat congress women of all time is calling for a congressional investigation into the "state of crisis within the Harris County legal system." Her main cause for concern is the recent no billing by a Harris County grand jury of Jim Horn the man who shot two illegal aliens who were robbing his next door neighbor. I don't know that I would have done what Mr. Horn did, killing a man is a soul renching act which may take a lifetime to overcome. Even Mr. Horn says he wishes it had never happened. I don't know what I would have done but I do know that I would accept the legal decision by a fully authorized court to not take him to trial.
If I did object to the verdict I would still not try to circumvent the courts decision by a petty power play using whatever authority I had as a member of congress. Shirley Jackson Lee is simply grandstanding, a favorite tactic of the weak before call on the courts for help in pulling down the strong.
It is always the way of the weak to get someone else to fight their battles. For the past few years it has been the favorite means of defeating long standing popular and moral issues. Sodomy was struck down not by the will of the people, where true power is found in a democracy but by a court. Abortion was approved by the courts. Gay marriage which has been banned on every state ballot where it has been polled, was approved by the California and Mass. courts systems. The weak, knowing they cannot win over the strength of morality and comman sense, have bypassed the poeple if favor of activist liberal judges who don't give a care about morality or comman sense.
In the end the causes these impotent people champion only lead to a greater weakness for our nation. Our armies are hogtied, our sons are effemitized, or daughters are prostitized, our families are marginilzed and we are all pulled into the same slough of despond as the weak who are already drownig in the muck and mire.
Shirley Jackson Lee, leave Mr. Horn alone at least he had the strength to do something to protect and preserve his home and neighborhood. What did you want him to do wait for someone like you to come and help. Forget it, the strong do not depend on the weak else they cease to be strong.
Its a lesson we in the United State used to know well, , I pray it is one they can relearn before it is too late.
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